
What is Arduino?

  • What is arduino?

Arduino is a open-source electronic platform based on easy to use hardware and software.
Arduino boards are able to read inputs and convert them into output.You can tell the board what to do by sending a  set of instruction to the microcontroller present on the board.To do this we use Arduino programming language(based on wiring),and Arduino IDE(based on processing).

Arduino has become quite popular with people just starting with electronics.
Arduino board designs use a variety of microprocessor and controller.

  • Types of arduino boards-

1.  Arduino UNO-

2. Arduino NANO-

3. Arduino MEGA-

4. Arduino PRO MICRO- 

5. Arduino PRO MINI- 

6. Arduino LILYPAD -

  • Why Arduino?
Thanks to its simple and accessible user experience, arduino has been used in thousands of different projects and applications.


1. Inexpensive- Costs about 10-30$(pre-assembled).

2. Cross-platform- Available on Windows,Linux,Mac and other Linux based OS.

3.Simple,clear environment programming-The arduino IDE software is easy-to-use and flexible.

4. Open source software -The arduino software is published as open source tool, available for extension by experienced programmers.

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