
Arduino Fading LED tutorial


This example demonstrates the use of analogWrite() function in fading a LED on and off.
AnalogWrite uses pulse width modulation(PWM), turning a digital pin on and off very fast with a different ratio between on and off.


Duty cycle is defined as the percentage of time a digital signal is ON over a time period. This period is the inverse of the frequency of waveform.

If a digital signal spends half of the time as ON and the other half as OFF, then it has a duty cycle of 50% and that is the case of an ideal square wave system.

PWM AS IN AnalogWrite() function -

Arduino circuit for fading LED-

Components Required-

1. Arduino or Genuine board.

2. 220 Ohm resistor. 

3. LED bulb. 

4. Connection wires and Breadboard.


/* Made by Nishant kr */

int led = 6;          

int brightness = 0;    
int fadeAmount = 5;    
void setup() {
  // declare pin 6 to be an output:
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
   analogWrite(led, brightness);
  brightness = brightness + fadeAmount;
if (brightness <= 0 || brightness >= 255)
{  fadeAmount = -fadeAmount; }


Working model-

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